If you are ISO 9001 certified, or even ISO 13485 for Medical Devices, the 123 MRP system can provide data to support your Quality Management System and present to your auditor.


supplier delivery performance

The purchase order records have the expected delivery date from the supplier.  The Goods Received Notes have the actual delivery dates.  From this the system can produce a delivery data table.

it’s a good start, but if you want to review it regularly a graph is better.  It will also demonstrate to the auditor that you are monitoring externally provided products and services.

The same process can be used for customer deliveries.


tool calibration

Keep a log of tools and equipment that need calibration.  Report on calibration dates that are due and keep the results of the calibration certificate.


If you use Shop Floor Data Capture the system builds a record of which operator has performed which function.  This can be extracted into a table to show experience levels of operator by product or operation.  Turning it into a heat map is useful way to support a skills matrix, identify training requirements, and demonstrate to an auditor that skills are being managed.


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